Forever ‪#‎JeSuisCharlie‬

They are like air
of no material
substance –
Yet they are powerful!
Thoughts, words, opinions, perceptions
dialogue; internal, external
beliefs, doubts, questions, answers
All up in the air
Throw it against the wall
…to see what sticks
or lands on the floor –
Pen to paper,
pen in hand
Words, caricatures
They are like air
of no material
substance –
Historic words translated
passed down generation
watered down interpretation
Mind boggling
degenerate, debasing
string of pearls
words of wisdom
Yours, mine, his, hers,
theirs, no ones, someones
Does it matter?
Does any of it matter
– at the end of a long day?
End of a long life?
Does it matter
when a life is taken?
They are like air
of no material
substance –
Living is believing;
breathing, loving, hating
strength, weakness, depravity
giving and taking
Enlightened, mystified
acceptance, judgmental
Saving grace, cold blooded murder
Martyrdom, Sainthood
Heaven, Hell
…and all that floats
between is the truth
My thoughts
My words
My opinion
My perception
…will continue to grow
and strengthen
I am not afraid
Forever ‪#‎JeSuisCharlie‬

© 2015 TrilbyYates

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